Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Another Bus Story

This one is much lighter than the last.

So we went and met Brad for lunch again.

We got to campus just fine, nothing out of the ordinary to report. I had the stroller for Harper and both girls were perfectly quiet and well-behaved. Had lunch at Pizza Hut - it was a sturdy ok.

The girls and I walked back to the bus stop. The bus that had left suddenly that other time would have done the same thing, our timing was just horrible, so we decided to wait out the few minutes between buses at the stop. I folded up the stroller and the girls ran around, a safe distance from the street and were earning loyal fans with every gut laugh and giggle.

The bus arrived and we got on, in our usual spot in the back (we try to stay out of the way). Harper sat on my lap, grabbed the wheel to the stroller and asked if she could drive. I said sure. She then called out in her loudest voice, "I'm pirate - ARRRRRRRRR!! And I driving!" Everyone started laughing. Harper again, "I pirate Harper!!!" She repeated it every 10-20 seconds, every time met with smiles from her fans, egging her on.

After about 3 minutes, I said "What else drives besides a pirate?"

She replied, without consideration, "Two pirates, here Samara [offering the other wheel of the stroller], you pirate too!"

Eruptions of laughter.

Seriously, she just charmed every person on that bus and hopefully made their day, possibly even their week. Of all the times we've been on the bus, I've never seen so many people respond to my kids like today.

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